20 Pretty Paintings on Pregnant Bellies

20 Pretty Paintings on Pregnant Bellies

Paintings on Pregnant Bellies

Amazing Examples of Belly Bump Art

Artist Creates Amazing Paintings On the Bellies of Pregnant Women

Baby boy belling painting. pregnant belly art.

Baby bump painting Facebook All That Jazz Face Painting

Beautiful Paintings on Pregnant Bellies

Heather's Living Art - Belly, Face & Body Painting

Paintings on Pregnant Bellie

Paintings on Pregnant Bellies

Pregnant belly art pumpkin

Pregnant Belly Artworks For Any Occasion

Pregnant Women Celebrate Their Babies With Awesome Paintings on Their Bellies

Pregnant, belly, painting, nature, tree,

Pretty Paintings on Pregnant Bellies

Wonderful Paintings on Pregnant Bellies



This Is What Happens If You Put A Piece Of Onion In Your Ears

This Is What Happens If You Put A Piece Of Onion In Your Ears


 Its good advice for all of us Natural remedies are the best when it comes to solving your physical woes. You don't need some manufactured, synthetic medication

Cough No More

 Onions make for a highly effective cough syrup (though you're breath probably won't be the greatest). Coughing? "Ain't nobody got time for that.

 Too Cool For A Fever

A cold bath is a pretty traumatizing way to bring down a fever, especially for babies. A better way to get that temperature down is to put onion slices in their socks. After they're in bed with their newest organic footwear, put a cloth soaked in apple-cider vinegar on their forehead

 Got A Cold? Not For Long

Onions are smelly and make you cry but they have a great side too. This amazing vegetable cures colds and in the most natural way possible. Boil an union in tea or literally eat an onion raw and watch yourself get better in a few hour

Source: www.learndecoration.com 

How Popular Magic Tricks Work, WILL SURPRISE YOU

How Popular Magic Tricks Work, WILL SURPRISE YOU

THE MOST POPULAR magic tricks revealed

The magic tricks revealed

Do You Remember The Boy Who Smokes 40 Cigarettes a Day? See What He Looks Like 8 Years Later!

Do You Remember The Boy Who Smokes 40 Cigarettes a Day? See What He Looks Like 8 Years Later!

Do you remember the toddler from Indonesia who went viral 8 years before because his parents revealed that he smokes over 40 cigarettes per a day?

Now, even 8 years later, Ardi Rizal beat his addiction. The reason for that were the media and security organizations for children. This young boy, in order to replace his cravings for cigarettes, developed a dependency on food.

The young boy Ardi undergo specific treatment to overcome his addiction to food. Now, he is leading healthy lifestyle. Namely, Ardi now doesn’t smoke, eats healthy food, and the results are really amazing!

So, what is your opinion?


No One Ever Told You Onions Could Do These Miraculous Things

No One Ever Told You Onions Could Do These Miraculous Things

First, you should know that onions are part of the allium family of vegetables and herbs, which also includes chives, garlic, scallions and leeks. And, allium vegetables have been cultivated for centuries for not only their characteristic, pungent flavors but also for their medicinal properties.

You should also know that onions can vary in size, shape, color and flavor. The most common types are red, yellow and white onion. Flavors can vary from sweet and juicy with a mild flavor to sharp, spicy, and pungent, often depending on the season in which they are grown and consumed. It is estimated that 105 billion pounds of onions are harvested each year worldwide.

The possible health benefits of consuming onions include lowering the risk of several types of cancer, improving mood and maintaining the health of skin and hair. Onions are a nutrient-dense food, meaning that while they are low in calories they are high in beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Onion contains high amounts of antioxidants like quercetin, relieving the body from free radicals and preserving its health. Onions can be easily juiced and consumed as such, helping with respiratory diseases because of its cleansing nature.

Onions are good for treating and preventing many different health problems, such as:

  •     Treating and preventing cardiovascular diseases
  •     Extremely effective in treating arthritis
  •     It will help you regulate high cholesterol levels
  •     It can help you with diabetes, due to their sulfur and flavonoid content

Using Onions to Their Advantage

Did you know that onions have been used as a remedy for treating countless diseases for thousands of years! Yes, onions are loaded with many healthy nutrients and you can use it to treat and prevent many different health problems!


First, you should know that the Cherokee Indians used this powerful ingredient for treating children suffering from colic. How to use it – it’s very simple! You just have to use slices of yellow onion and boil them in water. Let liquid cool off and drain it. You should give 1 tsp. of this remedy to your infant – every hour, or until the symptoms fade.

2.Dissolve chest congestion

You can also use onion to dissolve chest congestion. Here’s what you need to do – you just have to mix one crushed onion and some coconut oil. Form a paste and use it to smear onto the chest. After that, you should put a towel on top of it and put on a shirt. Keep it until warm, and then remove towel and rinse. You will be amazed by the results!

3.Ear infections and ear pain

It’s very simple – you just have to take chopped onion and put it inside a sock (the thinner, the better). Tie it up and place it on affected area. Secure sock with a hat or a headband. Make sure you remove it after the pain is gone.


Here’s what you need to do – first, you should peel a large onion and cut in two halves. Apply one tablespoon of brown sugar on each half and leave onion to rest for an hour. After 1 hour, you should eat this remedy and proceed with the treatment twice a day to eliminate cough.


You can also use onion to treat minor cuts! Here’s what you need to do – you should use the transparent skin that every onion has! You can use it to stop bleeding instantly. Also, you will get antiseptic benefits and protect the skin from harm.


It’s very simple – you just have to slice onion into very thin pieces. Then, you should mix them with coconut oil and use this to massage the bottom of your feet. After that, you should put some slices of onion on the feet arches and secure them with cling wrap. Put on socks and leave onion overnight. You should also know that this remedy is a great antioxidant.

7.Air purifier

Yes, you can use onion as an air purifier! Here’s what you need to do – just put slices of onion in different house areas! This simple trick will help you cleanse the air and destroy all bacteria and viruses inside your household. You will be amazed by the results!


Here’s what you need to do – it’s very simple! You just have to cover one yellow or white onion with cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice from it. Then, you should make a cup of peppermint tea and let it cool off. Take two teaspoons of the onion juice.After 5 minutes, take two teaspoons of the cold peppermint tea. Wait another for 5-10 minutes and sip from the onion juice again. Note: you should repeat this treatment – until the symptoms fade. And, you just need 20 minutes for the vomiting urges to go away.

You could also use onion in many different manners, including:

  •     You can simply rub onion onto your skin – to prevent insect bites
  •     Or, you can rub onion onto your scalp – to accelerate hair growth
  •     Or, you can put onion in your clothes – and use it as a protection against moths
  •     You should boil and spray some onion juice on your plants – to keep them safe from pests and bugs. You will be amazed by the results
  •     Cleaning clothes iron with slices of onion to prevent rusting
  •     You can also use onion slices to clean and polish glass and copper objects
  •     You can use onion to get rid of freckles

Note: TheWorld Health Organization is a strong supporter in using onions in case of bronchitis, coughs, congestion, infections, colds and the flu. The Native Americans knew this for centuries and we are just beginning to learn! But, don’t worry, it is never too late to start being healthy. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You and take care!


Just Use These 2 Ingredients To Empty All Deposits Of Fat And Parasites Of Your Body Without Effort

Just Use These 2 Ingredients To Empty All Deposits Of Fat And Parasites Of Your Body Without Effort

Many think that the stored energy is only body fat, and that to lose weight need to follow a diet to burn those fat deposits. But there are only remove those fat deposits? there are other energy reserves that interfere with the process of burning fat.

There are other energy deposits in the body, glycogen (carbohydrate) and protein (muscle). The way the body uses these energy deposits can change the way the body uses fats. When you have a craving for something sweet or savory, and this can be satiated it is normal, especially when these cravings happen sporadically.

But if these cravings are more frequent than normal and can not cease completely, this means that you suffer from high levels of stress or have parasites in the stomach.

If we are accustomed to consuming large amounts of sweets, this creates an atmosphere of mucus that for the proliferation of the parasites is perfect. The proliferation of fungi and bacteria are due to this environment and thus frequent cravings are related to these undesirable creatures.

Remedy to remove fat deposits and parasites from your body

To make it you need only these two ingredients:

  •     100 grams of linseed
  •     10 grams of dried cloves

Preparation and consumption

With the help of a grinder, grind both ingredients into a powder. You should take two tablespoons of this mixture in the morning three days in a row, you can mix it with water or with breakfast.

The ideal way is to take it for 3 days rest 3 and resume consumption by 3 days, so on. After a month has passed, you’ll notice the difference. This cleaning will help keep pests out of your body.

Also be sure to get all the vitamins and minerals daily since many of them are involved in the release of energy from food. Therefore, an adequate intake gives us that feeling of vitality and desire to participate in various activities and exercise.

Don’t Forget To Share With Your Friends And Family On Facebook, As You Might Help Someone In Need!


5 Out The Age You Will Get Married.

5 Out The Age You Will Get Married.

Palmistry is an art of reading the hands to get the idea of future happenings in life. You can get your age of marriage indication by studying your marriage lines on your palm. Marriage lines are also known as the affection lines or lines of union.

How to find the age of Marriage?

From the marriage line, you can get an indication of your marriage age. These lines are present on the edge of the palm below the the little finger. It can be seen at the outer edge of the palm and the line proceeds towards the area under your little finger (this area is also known as the mount of mercury). It is very common to have more that one marriage line, so don’t be surprised.

Although these these short horizontal lines are called as marriage line but they only indicate important relationships that impress you deeply. These relationships do not necessarily involve marriage. The stronger this line, the deeper the potential union. Several light lines found here will indicate romances whereas lines that are clear and strong indicate stronger relationships.

It is the long union line that will relate to your marriage and the shorter ones will reveal your affections. The distance from heart line to the base line of little finger is considered fifty years. When the marriage line is situated near to the heart line it means that you will get married quite early. If the line is located in the center of the mount it means that you will get married in your mid twenties. For those whose line is three-quarters above the mount it means that your marriage will take place in your late twenties or even mid thirties.


No Diet, No Exercise! Follow These Simple Weight Loss Tips To Become Slim And Trim

No Diet, No Exercise! Follow These Simple Weight Loss Tips To Become Slim And Trim

Tired of all the--'Eat small meals throughout the day', ' Cut down on junk food',' Exercise!!'? Well, here's some advice that can actually help you lose weight and get fit.

Some things seem too good to be true. But if you follow these tips, you'll be that much closer to a flatter tummy in no time.

Perfect Your Posture

"Straighten up," advises The Biggest Loser trainer Kim Lyons, and your figure will look better. "When your posture is good, you're automatically engaging and toning your stomach muscles." If you need to remind yourself to stand tall, she says, a few strategically placed Post-it Notes should do the trick.

 Drink Up

Keep those fluids coming! "Being dehydrated causes the body to hoard water," says Lyons, which can lead you to carry up to four excess pounds around your midsection. Try for at least six eight-ounce glasses of water or other fluids daily.

Have a Seat

"Most women don't want to talk about it, but you really have to set aside a specific time each day to use the bathroom," notes Judith Reichman, M.D., a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California, Los Angeles. If you don't, it's too easy to give in to feeling rushed, and ignore the urge to go." Once you've trained your brain to dismiss your body's signals, you set the stage for bloat-inducing constipation.

 Eat Mindfully

Rather than scarfing down meals, make a point of chewing each bite at least 10 times before swallowing. "The body has to work overtime to break down food in the stomach and intestines, which can lead to major gas and indigestion," Dr. Reichman says. Plus, when you eat fast, you're more prone to swallowing air, which can ratchet up your risk of developing a potbelly.

 Turn to the "Pros"

"Probiotics are 'good' bacteria that help your digestive system break down food, preventing the gastrointestinal issues that can keep you from having a flat stomach," explains nutritionist Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., author of The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth. To ensure your plumbing is working at optimum capacity, Bowden suggests eating a daily serving of a probiotic-rich food like yogurt, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, or buttermilk, or taking a supplement containing at least 50 milligrams of probiotics. (Look for versions that contain the strains acidophilus and bifidobacterium, and are produced by reputable vitamin companies.)
Getty Images

Walk It Off

Try to squeeze in a 30-minute walk daily, says Lyons. The simple boost in metabolism will help you burn waistline fat more efficiently. And if you want to work out, skip those gadgets that promise "miraculous abs in minutes": A study from Kansas State University found most devices designed to target abs (think infomercials) don't live up to their promises. You'll see better results with traditional exercise.

Give Up Gum

Because chewing forces you to swallow more puff-producing air, it can also keep you from squeezing into your skinny jeans, explain researchers at the American College of Gastroenterology. If you need to freshen your breath, you're better off sucking on a mint.
Getty Images

 Relax Already

"When you're frazzled, your body increases its production of steroids and stress hormones, which negatively affect your digestive system, causing major constipation," says Dr. Reichman. And as if that weren't enough to leave you looking pouchy, stress also amps up the production of cortisol, a "fight or flight" hormone that sends excess fat directly to your midsection in its attempt to protect your vital organs. To minimize tension, Dr. Reichman advises, "take 20 minutes a day to do something that truly relaxes you."


Burger King Admits To Using Horse Meat In Burgers, Whoppers

Burger King Admits To Using Horse Meat In Burgers, Whoppers

The brand burger king admitted that they have been used horse meat in order to made the burgers and whoppers.

In the past, the Burger King, denied these accusations.

The fast food chain, in Thursday has give up and admitted that the tests were wrong and gave an apology to its honest costumers.

It was said that the firm which was producing horse meat for Burger King was called Silvercrest.

This company was delivering meat for Tesco, Asda and the Co-op too. The substances that this company was supplying were banned already for a year

The brand burger king admitted that they have been used horse meat in order to made the burgers and whoppers.

In the past, the Burger King, denied these accusations.

About this case, The Burger King has announced:

We have determined that Silvercrest has been using a tiny percentage of beef imported from a supplier has not been approved from Poland, who promised to deliver 100 per cent British and irish beef patties.
They have failed to do so.
This clearly goes against our rules and we have ended our partnership with them.

We have proven that this non-approved supplier from Poland is the source of the contamination going on at Silvercrest supplier.”

If Your Kidney Is in Danger, the Body Will Give You These 8 Signs!

If Your Kidney Is in Danger, the Body Will Give You These 8 Signs!

The following vitals have a location right under the rib cage. They are responsible for cleansing and detox, i.e. filtering 10-150 quarts blood daily. This is essential for all the body functions and keeping the blood healthy too.The kidneys are responsible for excessive fluids or waste material from the organism. They regulate the levels of electrolytes and keep bones healthy and strong, make more red blood cells and stabilize the blood pressure.

If the kidneys are in trouble and can no longer function, as usual, the health is in big trouble. Read carefully to recognize and prevent and problems linked to kidney damage or failure:


When kidneys start to fail at their “job”, they can get rid of excess fluids less and less and this will make the face bloated and swollen, also the joints and limbs.

    Urination changes

The most obvious and early signs are these:

  •     Trouble urinating
  •     Pressure during the process
  •     Dark urine, less frequent urinating and with small amounts
  •     Pale color of urine, frequent and in large amounts
  •     Foamy urine
  •     Many urge to urinate during the night

    Rash of the skin

The waste buildup in our body can be linked to kidney failure – the skin gets a lot of rashes and itching. All the waste gets piled up in the blood and makes the skin look unhealthy, dry and irritated. Lotions and creams and cosmetics can ease up a little bit, but don’t solve the problem which comes from the inside – IF the rash is directly caused by the kidney problems of course.


If the kidneys are healthy they produce EPO (erythropoietin), a hormone that makes more red blood cells which bring oxygen to where is needed. If the red blood cells number is lowered, fatigue will occur and it will have an impact on the brain and muscles too. This is also a sign of severe anemia.

    Shortness of breath

It is a common problem, but it might be linked to kidney damage. If the body doesn’t have enough oxygen, it is because of the low number of red blood cells that deliver the oxygen everywhere. The amount of these blood cells is connected to the harmful piled up toxins in the lungs.

    Taste of metal in the mouth/metallic taste

The waste accumulated in the blood will change your taste to foods and even cause bad breath all the time. Another sign of kidney damage is a severe change in certain foods or poor appetite.


The ache in the upper back is another symptom of this condition – that is the same area more or less where kidneys are placed. Pain can be triggered even more by infections or kidney stones.

    Bad concentration and dizziness

Bad oxygen flow to the brain is a clear sign of serious anemia, but also kidney failure. It will mess up the focus and concentration, make you light headed and dizzy and cause memory troubles.

Incorporate healthier foods in your diet and have more antioxidant foods or supplements. That ay your kidneys will work at their best and process good material too.


I Am So Glad I Learned THIS ! This Trick Will Help You If You Are Suffering From a Stiff Neck

I Am So Glad I Learned THIS ! This Trick Will Help You If You Are Suffering From a Stiff Neck

The video you are about to watch below, does a great job of not only explaining the mechanism of how stiff necks occur, but several great stretches and ways of pushing on trigger points on your own, that will greatly alleviate a stiff neck within 90 SECONDS!


Drinking Water on Empty Stomach Immediately After Waking Up!

Drinking Water on Empty Stomach Immediately After Waking Up!

Did you know that Japanese people have a habit of drinking water immediately after waking up. It is and ancient tradition for healing many diseases that became very popular around World War 2 after being published in a Japanese newspaper. The advantages of drinking water have been also backed up by many studies . It is a treatment that is proven to give excellent results in fighting many serious diseases.

Some of the difficulties this water treatment can help with are: headache, body aches, heart system, accelerated heart beat, epilepsy, blood fat, bronchitis, asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney disease and urinary tract, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, diseases of the uterus, menstrual disorders, diseases of the ear, nose and throat.

This is how to do perform the water therapy:

  •     As soon as you wake up in the morning, before brushing your teeth, drink 4 glasses (200 ml) of water.
  •     Wash your teeth, but do not eat nor drink anything in the next 45 minutes.
  •     After 45 minutes you can eat and drink as you would every day.
  •     After your breakfast, lunch or dinner do not eat or drink anything for the next two hours.
  •     Those that are old and sick and unable to drink 4 glasses of water on an empty stomach, can begin with drinking water as much as they can, and then each day increase the amount until they reach the required 4 glasses of water .
  •     This method will help with many diseases, and a healthy person will enjoy the new energy acquired from the water therapy.

As the story goes, doing this method has the power to heal high blood pressure in 30 days, gastritis in 10 days, diabetes in 30 days, constipation in 10 days and will also make you feel much more energized and improve your entire body function.

This method should not only be used for helping with some of the diseases above, but should also be implemented as a part of your life. It has no side effects at all and it has the power to do wonders for your health.

Drinking Water combined with Military Diet can also help you in losing weight fast.

Water is filling and will help you feel full longer. Drinking water before meals is highly beneficial because it reduces appetite and helps you eat less than normal. Plus, it’s calorie-free, which means you can drink as much as you want.


Creative 5 Simple Exercises To Tighten Loose Arm

Creative 5 Simple Exercises To Tighten Loose Arm

No one likes the loose skin under their arms. The sagging skin is normally occasioned by aging or physical inactivity. Fortunately, there are several exercises that can help you tighten it. The exercises target the triceps muscle.

Here are the 5 exercises to tighten the flabby arm skin:

Push up

In a push-up position, be on your toes. Your body should be aligned with the head, with your hands under the shoulders. Bend your elbows to lower close to the ground, before bending them backwards at 90 degrees, at the bottom position.

Your body should remain straight, always, and when pressed back, the arms should be fully stretched.

Triceps Dips

Glide your butt off the bench front as you stretch your legs in front of your body. Keeping your arms straight, hold the bench with your hands shoulder-width apart.

Afterwards, lower your body and bend the elbows in that they form a 90-degree angle. While at it, keep your back close to the bench. Once your body touches the ground, you should re-straighten the arms and revert to the original position. This is one cycle.

Make sure your shoulders remain down all the time. Consider bending your legs if you find this exercise somewhat difficult at the beginning.
Bent Over Barbell Row

With your knees slightly bent, face your palms downwards and hold a barbel. Then, bend at the waist so as to lean your body forward. Your back should remain straight.

Put your head up, with your back parallel to the ground and your arms perpendicular to your body and the floor. The barbel ought to hang in front of you.

Maintaining your body static, exhale and lift the barbel. Only your forearms should hold the weight. Squeeze the muscles off your back at top contracted position. Hold thus for a couple of seconds.

Inhale and slowly lower the barbel to revert to the original position.

Triceps Extension

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a dumbbell in one hand. Stretch up your hands fully by raising the dumbbell over your head. Your palms should face upwards.

Afterwards, lower the dumbbell in a semicircular motion behind your head until your forearms touch the biceps. Make sure your upper arms are close to the head, while the elbows remain perpendicular to the floor.

Your upper arm should remain static during the exercise as you move only the forearms. Inhale, before raising the dumbbell with the triceps and reverting to the original position. Exhale.

Triceps dumbbell kickback

Holding a dumbbell in each hand, keep your back straight, with your palms facing the body. Slightly bend your knees before bending the torso forward at the waist.

With your head up, keep your torso parallel to the floor. Your forearms should point to the ground at a 90-degree angle with your upper arm. This is the starting position.

Make sure your upper arms remain still as you lift the weights with your triceps until the arms are completely stretched. You need to focus on the forearms.

Pause for some seconds before breathing in, and slowly lower the dumbbells and revert to the original position.


Video: 5 Easy Exercises To Get Rid Of Muffin Top Right At Home

5 Easy Exercises To Get Rid Of Muffin Top Right At Home

One of the biggest resolutions that people make at the start of a brand-new year is to get into better shape.

Hitting the gym and going on a diet might be the most common resolutions, but they aren’t necessarily the easiest to carry through with. In fact, according to Statistic Brain Research Institute, only 8 percent of people are “successful in achieving their resolution.”

But when I heard that there were simple exercises I could do right from the comfort of my own home in order to get rid of the dreaded “muffin top,” I knew I’d be giving them a try.

The muffin top is the excess weight that hangs over the waist of your jeans. It can feel so embarrassing, but the new year is the perfect time to finally make it disappear!

LittleThings spoke to fitness expert, certified personal trainer, and founder of MJP Fitness, Matt Perfetuo. Matt gave us five very simple muffin-top-fighting exercises that he says will help you “tone and shed unwanted weight.”

These exercises — coupled with some healthier eating choices — really can make a difference, just like with these exercises to fight a double chin.

Watch the video for this exclusive look at fighting muffin top, all with personal-trainer-recommended techniques!

Will you be giving these anti-muffin top exercises a try? Let us know in the comments.

Please SHARE this important information with friends and family!

9 Creative Exercises To Burn Abdominal Fat in 14 Days

9 Creative Exercises To Burn Abdominal Fat in 14 Days

Depending on whether you already workout your abs regularly at home, or you’re just beginning, the list below offers an exercise routine for each level.

Belly fat is maligned for its way of tampering with any outfit that doesn’t involve a muumuu, but really there’s something way worse about the stuff:

When white fat expands in your abdomen, nestling deep among your organs, it sets you up for some serious health trouble.

There are few things more discouraging than putting your time in at the gym and still not seeing results.

If a trimmer, tighter core is what you’re after, the reality is that it takes more than showing up.

Six-pack crunches

Lie yourself flat on your floor or exercise mat. Bend your legs sideways and keep your heels together, while moving them as close to your stomach as you can. Hold your fingers together behind your head, with your arms bent sideways, in line with your knees. Raise your body slightly upwards, take a deep breath and push your upper body towards your legs while breathing out. Move back to your initial position, several inches from the ground. Do 10 takes.

Oblique exercesise

Lie down flat on the floor, bend your knees, keep your feet flat, and your arms at your sides. Take a deep breath and move sideways, while exhaling, and try to touch your right foot with your right arm. Don’t lift your back and do not tilt your head. When done, move back to the initial position. Do 15 takes.


Put yourself in a plank position, your arms resting on your elbows and your legs stretched out behind you, rested on your toes. Straighten your back and hips, and don’t tense your neck. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, while breathing normally, and then go back to your initial position. Do 10 takes.


Lie yourself flat on your back. Stretch your legs upwards to make a 90° degree angle with your body. Take a deep breath, then while exhaling move your body upwards with you arms stretched out towards your feet, making a “U” letter with your body. Don’t curve your back, but try to keep it as straight as possible. Do two sets of 15.

Scissor exercise

Lie yourself flat on your back and put your hands behind your head. Breathe in, and try to do a “scissor” movement while exhaling, by bending your right leg and moving your knee towards your left elbow. Then slowly return to your original position and repeat the movement with you other arm and leg. Do 2 sets of 15 takes, making sure you don’t pull your neck and your abdominal muscles are tightened.

Elastic Bend Crunch

Lie down flat on your back, with your arms to your side, holding the ends of your elastic bands. Place your bands on your shins, bend your knees and raise them upwards until your hips are lifted, while holding the bands tight. Stay in this position for 5 seconds and then go back to your original position. Do two sets of 10.

Chair Abs

Place two chairs with enough distance to keep your hands on one chair and your feet on the other (it might take 1-2 tries until you get the distance right). Place your hands flat on the first chair, but keep your elbows bent, and your chest upwards. Breathe in, and as you breathe out move your knees towards your chest, but do not swing. If this is too much for you, you can start by using one leg. Do 3 sets of 15.

Sideway swings

Lie yourself flat on the floor while keeping your arms by your sides. Breathe in, and as you breathe out lift your legs about 6 inches up and move them to your right side. Go back to your original position and repeat the movement for your other side. Do 3 sets of 15.

Ball Lifts

Place a ball on the floor, put your feet flat on it, and stretch out your body so that your palms are placed flat on the floor. While holding this position, raise one leg a few inches from the ball, but keep your legs straight. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, and then go back to your original position. Switch to your other leg next. Do 2 sets of 10.

Any of the different level routines will give you results as quickly as two weeks, so why don’t you give it a try!



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