Hair In The Ears Is The First Sign Of The Most Dangerous Disease Of The 21st Century. Do You Know Which One?

Hair In The Ears Is The First Sign Of The Most Dangerous Disease Of The 21st Century. Do You Know Which One?

Have you ever wondered what the sudden appearance of hair in the ears means? You would never guess that this is linked to heart diseases, but still, some scientists did prove this.

According to some recent studies, there is a connection between hair in the ears and heart attacks.

The roots of this study date back in 1973, when Doctor Frank Sanders and his team published this study in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Doctor Frank discovered the ear crimps, which in his honor have been called “Frank’s sign”. These crimps are a sign of a disease of the coronary arteries. This type of disease appears in cases of clogging of the arteries.

This study has been a starting point for further research. Another team of scientists in 1984 has been lead by the same theory. Their study included 43 men and 20 women who had crimps and hair in their ears and had experienced a heart attack.

One of the scientists, Richard Vagner from Boston, stated that the long term exposure to androgen causes clogs in the arteries as a result of the production of excess red blood cells.

Five years later, or more precisely, in 1989, another research was carried out. This research studied the connection between the crimps in the ears and coronary diseases. The study included 215 patients and it was concluded that the disease is advancing with the age.

It has been noticed that there is a significant difference between men who have crimps in their ears and men who do not.

He has been conducting about 500 autopsies and he has concluded that the most patients have had spleen problems, obesity problems, baldness problems, ear crimps, hair in the ears, etc.

It has been confirmed that the crimps in the ears are connected to heart diseases in both men and women, even though the majority of cases of sudden death has been linked to men.

Some experts blame it on the testosterone supplements usually men use and they claim that these supplements are responsible for the health problems connected to coronary diseases.



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