Revolutionary Discovery: Goodbye Dental Implants, Grow Your Own Teeth In Just 9 Weeks!

Revolutionary Discovery: Goodbye Dental Implants, Grow Your Own Teeth In Just 9 Weeks!

Despite the improvements in the dental care, people still lose their teeth from various health reasons. Along bridges and other dental issues nowadays there are dental implants, a replacement for tooth roots. They are a great choice, especially for old people, but still there is something more amazing that that!

Some dental experts have made some significant discovery in the field of dental implants. These discoveries will provide us a chance to grow completely new teeth.

Dr. Jeremy Mao the leading researcher from  Columbia University, was the founder of this discovery. He built a teeth scaffold , containing the stem cells in the body. In fact, he provoked new teeth regeneration by simply using their DNA. The technology he invented assured a great solution to the dental care.

This new technology not only allows you the possibility to grow genuine teeth in nine weeks, but allows you to avoid the painful and long process of extracting the old ones. The process requires 9 weeks, so that the device is inserted and accepted by the body. The advantage of this process is that it uses suitable and quality materials to provide the growth of new teeth.

Dr. Mao claimed that the process is very simple. The tooth is replaced with stem cells, originating from your body, merging with the enclosing tissue. This results in rapid recovery and increased regeneration process.

However, this procedure is not accessible in many parts of the world and for all the people. It is still being researched and it waits for confirmation from the medical authorities.

The researchers have worked and are still working on many improvements regarding the dental implants, trying to improve a more natural and less painful replacement of the teeth we miss. These processes should require rapid recovery time and a minor chance of rejection.



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